We are issuing a survey to our bankers with the following questions about mask policy actions. IBA will be glad to share the results and comments once they have been compiled.
Stage 4 Update
Late on Tuesday, May 11th, Governor Little and Director Dave Jeppesen (Idaho Department of Health and Welfare) announced Idaho will be moving from Stage 3 of the Idaho Rebound plan to Stage 4. Many of you are probably wondering what the difference between Stage 3 and Stage 4. Well in short, not much. The biggest difference between the two revolves around gathering sizes. In Stage 3, gatherings were limited to 50 or fewer people (with the exception of a waiver that could be filed with the local public health district); in Stage 4 there is no recommendation or limitation on gathering sizes. Gatherings, both public and private, should still adhere to physical distancing and sanitation guidelines, however.
While Idaho is one step closer to going back to complete normalcy, the COVID task force and Governor Little are still encouraging all Idahoans to get vaccinated if you haven’t already and to use the same safety courtesy and precautions when around other people.
Idaho Ends Federal Pandemic Unemployment Programs Participation:
Also on Tuesday, Governor Little announced that Idaho will end its participation in the three federal pandemic unemployment compensation programs in an effort to help encourage Idahoans to go back to work. Governor Little mentioned that one of the largest reasons employers are having a difficult time recruiting and retaining their workforce is “because those employees are receiving more on unemployment than they would while working.” He finished by saying “my decision is based on a fundamental conservative principle – we do no want people on unemployment. We want people working. A strong economy cannot exist without workers returning to a job.” Effective June 19, 2021, the following federal programs will end in Idaho:
- Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC) – provides an additional $300 weekly payment
- Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) – benefits those who would not usually qualify for unemployment, such as the self-employed and others
- Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC) – extends benefits once regular benefits have been exhausted
5.12.21 – Vaccine Data at a Glance:
- 623,836 – People have received the vaccine
- 83,651 – People have received one does of a two-dose series
- 540,185 – People are fully vaccinated (includes both doses of Moderna or Pfizer or a single dose of JJ)
- 1,128, 533 – Total doses administered
Helpful Links:
Idaho Coronavirus Information Page
Business-Specific Protocols for Opening