Sign and return the Authorization Form to the IBA. Federal law mandates that this be done.
Set a specific goal. We hope all banks will strive for 100% participation from all eligible employees and directors.
Establish beginning and ending dates for your campaign.
If you are a state-chartered bank, write a bank check to IdaBankPAC based on your Current Fair Share Goal amount. If you are a national bank, your corporate check must be written from your holding company. See Contribution Form located in printable campaign documents.
As CEO, we recommend that you set an example by writing a person check to IdaBankPAC.
Get Personal. Solicit contributions from eligible employees and directors by sending a personal memo and the Contribution Form. You can find both in the printable campaign documents. Suggested contribution levels are on the Sample CEO Memo. Please be sure to indicate to those being solicited that: 1) the suggested amount is only a suggestion; 2) the amount given, or refusal to give, will not benefit or provide any disadvantage to the person being solicited.
Payroll deduction or auto pay is encouraged. You will find detailed information on the different forms of payment in the printable campaign documents. Auto pay (one time or recurring payment by credit/debit card) can be set up here.
Explain the importance of participation. At a gathering of your employees, officers and/or directors, explain the effect of legislation on the growth and prosperity of your bank and employees. If you would like to request an IBA representative attend your event please submit your request here.
Communicate and update. Send periodic campaign updates, listed by department, to generate competition within your bank.