Improving Operational Efficiency Via the ITM-ATM Channel

It has been said again and again that our job economy remains strong. Companies are reportedly hiring new employees, whether it is to fill a vacancy or expand on operations. However, this is not what I am experiencing as I go about my professional and personal life.

I repeatedly run into “longer than normal” call wait times when dealing with a customer service issue over the phone. One such situation with a cable company that promised to “wow” me, caused me to spend over 45 minutes on hold on three separate occasions just to speak to a representative. Online help chats are even taking far too long to switch from the AI bot over to a human interaction. And I still see many lobbies and restaurants that have closed their in-store service indefinitely.

It is clear to me that numbers are askew when it comes to “official” claims regarding employment figures but what are we as banks to do? Where is the slew of quality, dependable people wanting to earn a decent living. How do we adjust our operating procedures to accommodate a smaller staff at our branches and administrative offices?

Human Resources will continue to search for reliable new employees to hire but this takes time. Even the right hire from HR doesn’t always translate into a solid, long-term employee. So, how do we operate short-staffed?

What if we turn our attention to the operational tasks we burden our staff with that can be better placed in the hands of a trusted partner? Have you considered outsourcing your ATMs (or ITMs)? 99% of the industry has outsourced the operation of its core operating system and credit and debit card services. ATMs should be next on your list to outsource for several reasons.

Your staff time is critical. Enabling your staff to focus on your customers is of the utmost importance. Anything operational that pulls your staff away from this focus should be put on the list for outsourcing consideration.

ATMs are a very cost-effective means for customers to access their cash & make deposits. However, they can be a drain on your staff’s schedule. Some banks have indicated they spend 40+ hours of staff time on just 10-20 ATMs. What would the impact be for your sales and retention efforts if you could redirect 40 hours of existing, quality staff time back to a customer focus?

Another reason to consider ATM outsourcing is the cost associated with hiring employees to manage your ATMs. We like to call it a soft cost, but a mid-level FTE salary and benefits package has a direct impact on the bottom line. Even a reasonable compensation package of $55,000 adds over $4,500 to your monthly ATM bill.

You can eliminate the time spent as well as the costs associated when you outsource your ATM & ITM fleet. Put experts in charge of your program now so you can sell your existing ATM assets to your outsourcing partner and eliminate the hassle right away.

Joe Woods
SVP, Marketing & Partnerships
Dolphin Debit Access

Slips, Trips and Falls in the Workplace

According to the National Safety Council, slips, trips and falls are the third leading cause of injury in the workplace. Some of these incidents occur at banks with employees or customers. While these mishaps might be commonplace, there is a proactive approach banks can take to help reduce the risk of their employees and customers being injured in a slip, trip and fall. A smart place to start: Analysis of both the physical conditions of the premises and usage and traffic flow patterns, which can often identify potential hazards that should be addressed.

Some of the accident causes are well known: wet spots on floors, uneven walking surfaces, dirty doormats. Other factors, such as poor lighting, might not be as noticeable but can be equally dangerous.

“Banks should be aware of the potential for people falling and getting injured, and should take steps to ensure the premises are as safe as possible,” said Laura Lundin, Vice President of Financial Institutions P&C at Travelers. “There are many ways to do this – maintain clean floor surfaces, ensure the space is well lit, schedule regular maintenance during low traffic times and conduct periodic walkthroughs to confirm everything looks safe. A little attention can go a long way.”

Working with an insurance carrier is also recommended. Insurance providers can work with banks to:

  • Help identify and assess exposures;
  • Develop loss control strategies and improvements to minimize the frequency and severity of slip, trip and fall incidents;
  • Provide training to help with slip, trip and fall prevention efforts.

If an accident does take place, be sure that it is documented and reported. This information can help prevent future incidents, and may be essential if a claim is filed against the bank. A standard, printed incident report is helpful in ensuring that all details are recorded. Documenting the details of the incident, collecting the names and a brief statement from the injured party and any witnesses, even taking photographs of the incident site can help. Slips, trips and falls rarely “just happen.”

Implementing effective slip, trip and fall improvement requires the right tools, people and communications. The right insurance carrier can help your slip, trip and fall prevention team define and document the policies, procedures, roles and responsibilities needed to effectively reduce these incidents. They also can help your team develop the tools and communication materials needed to implement this process.

Travelers is committed to managing and mitigating risks and exposures, and does so backed by financial stability and a dedicated team – from underwriters to claim professionals – whose mission is to insure and protect a company’s assets. For more information, visit