• 2025 Session Dates: August 23 – September 4, 2025
    Application deadline is May 15, 2025

The Pacific Coast Banking School (PCBS), in partnership with the Foster Graduate School of Business at the University of Washington, offers a unique combination of state of the art classrooms, world-class faculty, cutting-edge curriculum, and highly qualified participants that defines it as The Premier National Graduate School of Banking™. Founded in 1938, this prestigious school boasts over 12,000 alumni, with hundreds serving as leaders of financial institutions. PCBS utilizes its vast industry resources to provide tactics and strategies for approaching todayʼs most pressing banking issues.

Our three-year resident program consists of three two-week resident sessions covering in-depth analysis of critical financial and economic topics, practical management tools and strategies, and integrated application of leadership skills, risk management, and financial performance. Most core courses have a related extension assignment to be completed between resident sessions. After completing all three resident sessions and related extension work, PCBS graduates earn a graduate-level certificate in the Business of Banking, as well as an Executive Leadership Certificate from the prestigious Foster School of Business at the University of Washington. Tuition includes a single room, some meals, materials, and administrative and faculty support for inter-session assignments. All classes, meals, and rooms for PCBS students are located on the University of Washington campus, set in the scenic Pacific Northwest on the shores of Lake Washington.

For additional information about Pacific Coast Banking School, please visit their website at https://www.thepcbs.org or contact Kathryn Thompson with Pacific Coast Banking School, 425.278.0250 or kathryn@thePCBS.org.